All images are stored away on Imgur and Imageshack servers due to storage costs. The backend system is powered by Lumen, a micro-framework created by Laravel. No support will be given for setting this up.
Please only open issues for real bugs or mistakes I made. Automatic e-mail notifications for takedown requests.To seed fake data into the threads and posts table, run php artisan db:seed Known issues If you don't know what you're doing, read the Lumen documentation. The view is there but needs to be filled out with your own message. Again, the view is there, but you need to fill it out. When 4archive shut down, it's database was also released the public in a shutdown message I left (You can read the shutdown message below). This new version of the 4archive code was written before I decided to shut down 4archive. I had full intentions to create a new UI for 4archive, new schemas, and overall make a beautiful product that I could be proud of. Because of this, the schemas are different!! You cannot use this code for the old schemas!!!.